Get in the Hog if you want to live!

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Helpful Rants

Wed May 27, 2009 8:34 am

This is mainly for The HellJumpers, but will be useful for any member.

Last night I was offering to take some people around the BTB maps and answer any questions people might have.
I sent out a message via Xbox to members of the HellJumpers, telling them I had time to teach what I could. I also said they should go see my post from yesterday. In both my message and my post I gave a starting time, we give starting times to be respectful of everyone in the group so that we don't waste each others time. I also explained what we would be going over.
This was more of a last minute thing, basically saying "Hey guys I have a little time tonight and instead of playing Matchmaking I'll take some of my time to go over some call outs for who ever is interested." This was not an official HellJumpers training session, just something I was doing myself, to help out who ever wanted to learn.

I had three people show up two of which, B0rn, and Pengin, and were VERY eager to learn, and attentive.
B0rn, Pengin, I thank both of you for your willingness to learn and attention during our session. I hope we have more people like you guys in our future training sessions.

There was another in the group, who I will not mention because the name doesn't matter. Who was not interested in learning, this was very disappointing. I made it clear to everyone in the pre-game lobby that we aren't going to let any shenanigans go down. We are here to learn, and if you want to play around please do it some other time. I explained that I was taking time out of MY matchmaking time to teach, and that I would give only one warning.
The third person, would constantly go off on his own, throw grenades at the group, swing the hammer at the hog that we were using to teach, basically causing a disruption for the entire group. Then he would raise questions about why we were there, made statements such as "this is boring", "why are we doing this? Does Crazy know you are doing this?"
I explained, again, what this was for, and that I was taking time out of my day to help who ever wanted it.

Then my position in the HellJumpers was questioned, and if i was qualified to do this help session. He also questioned my commitment to the HellJumpers and the Wheelmen. These last two hit me personally, but I let them go, and gave him a polite answer.

This person continued with the shenanigans, and I gave him 2 chances just to be nice. But ultimately he created such a disturbance to B0rn and Pengin that I was forced to boot him from the party.

All of this tells me a few things,
1. He didn't read the Group Leaders thread
2. He didn't read the Welcome to the HellJumpers Thread
3. He didn't respect his fellow HellJumpers, nor the fact that I was taking time time out of my gaming to help people.

This is not about one person, I'm not singling any one out. I want to use this to give an example to all that want to learn.
If you want to learn something from someone, be respectful, give them your attention, do what they ask. If they give you instructions it is because they are trying to teach you something.
SPEAK UP! and be honest. If the training session is moving to fast, or if you do not understand, or you have a question. You must say so, we can not read your mind, we have no idea what you know and what you don't know, you must tell us these things so that we can help you.
Don't interrupt WHILE the main instructor is giving explanations. If you have a comment about a certain thing the instructor says, or you have a question about it. Wait until he makes his point, then we he is done, you can voice your opinion. Interrupting just distracts from the point he was trying to make, and it's rude.
If you have questions, ask them. If you have a comment feel free to share, but don't interrupt people.

Basically, be respectful to one another, most importantly to your teammates. If you want to learn that's awesome! Come eager to learn an ready to give your attention.

And remember, we can all learn from each other. Sharing ideas and information, tips and tricks, will make us stronger and tighter as a team.
Let's work together to make ourselves better gamers.

As Fett posted above, If some one is taking their time to try and teach you something new, LISTEN TO THEM, BE ATTENTIVE AND ABOVE ALL MAKE SURE THAT YOU ARE NOT DISRUPTIVE OF THE TRAINING SESSION.

It doesn't matter who the teacher is, Everyone has something they can pass on to you, which will make you a better player
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Parties of 8 vs. Teams of 8

Wed Jul 22, 2009 11:19 pm

Warning: This is probably the pissiest, angriest post you will probably read from me. I will attempt to keep it light, but I've been getting more and more frustrated every day with the people I play Halo with.

I think everyone here needs to understand what kind of party they are in. A party of eight people is not a team of eight people. A party of eight should defeat a bunch of randoms, but won't necessarily beat another party of eight, and it isn't surprising when they lose to an actual team.

The reason I am posting this here is because this is the Helljumpers, and you all are the ones who MIGHT care about this kind of rant. If I posted this in the Pit or Halo, it would just get all kinds of pointless comments. But because the people in this group (hopefully) want to get better, so this is probably the place where this rant would be most useful.

In general, a party of eight is a group of randoms trying to work together.

In a party of eight, it is highly unlikely that you will spend pregame lobby picking positions and reviewing your game plan. Mostly, a party of eight will continue the friendly discussion they were having, or mess with the people we're about to play. In-game, a party of eight might charge together when someone says to push, but it's not going to be an organized push of people running to designated positions.

A team, however, will already have their plans made, and it will be a matter of making sure that certain people are going to certain positions. Everyone knows exactly where they should be looking most of the time and can call out contingency plans to one another as well as making organized pushes to lock another team into their spawn and pull flags and arm bombs to win as quickly as possible.

If you don't have time for strategy, or think it's pointless, I don't think you really should expect to get into parties with people like me who care about such things like, oh I don't know, winning.

A party of eight does not communicate with the efficiency of a team. Yes, we all know callouts and generally how to play well, and we can actually work really well at times.

The point I would like to make though that annoys the hell out of me is people yelling at people in parties of eight. Some of us are very competitive and get very frustrated in game, but I am telling you now that I will never stay in a party when multiple people start screaming at each other (especially when they have loud mics). Just the other day, I had to hear three people screaming at each other and our party and they gave me a headache, and my right ear was sore for an hour. My head hurt so bad that I had to go lay down for a half hour after that game.

If you are in a party of eight, do not start yelling at them like they are a team. Remember, people aren't going to want to play with you if you constantly ruin their gaming experience.

Complaining and Lag
This is a general section. I have had this problem with teams, but it's more of an issue with parties. Complaining does absolutely nothing during game. All it does it annoy people. I know I've been guilty of complaining, but I try not to spout complaints about stupid stuff over the mic. For one thing, I DO NOT want to hear complaints about lag during the game. Once you tell me once that the game is really laggy for you, then that's it. I don't need to hear it anymore. I know you are going to have a hard time being as effective as you usually are; whatever. THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN DO ABOUT LAG, SO SHUT THE ::cens:: UP ABOUT IT.

I do not want to hear people constant whining, bitching, and complaining over xbox live. It doesn't help your team win. It does nothing. Complaining should be saved for postgame lobby.

Moreover, we use lag as an excuse. We have all played enough big team and matchmaking to know that almost every game will have some amount of lag to it, unless you're host for the most part. Whatever. When I have a bad game, I have a bad game. If it's laggy, I play more conservative that usual. When I realize I have host, then I'll be more offensive because I know I will win most fights.

This is something that pisses me off the most about our parties. If we don't go in with a full party, we know we're going to get randoms. Yes, for the most part, randoms are bad. However, I would make the point that randoms are bad because they don't know what we're doing. I usually try to communicate with our random to see if he or she will work with us before the game. If not, I ignore them.

Randoms, though, sometimes play better than most of us. For example, we had an Avalanche game with two randoms. One was horrible; he took the ghost, didn't do anything except run away, and kept bumping into our teammates and knocking out our shields. However, the other random was holding down upper keyhole, mostly by himself for a good amount of time because we were running around like idiots.

If you are in my party, I will not allow you to blame randoms for making us lose, unless it is absolutely clear that the random messed things up for us (i.e. failing with an important vehicle or power weapon). We will not use randoms as scapegoats for us playing poorly.

I would just like to point out that, like us, every random learns from experience. They do things that they think work well for them in matchmaking. Randoms can sometimes be very good, or they can screw around and be horrible. However, if we play well, randoms can just fill in gaps and be very useful. So stop screaming about randoms; that goes along the lines of pointless complaining I don't want to hear about.

Getting into Parties
Alright, this is a sketchy area. There are certain parties I want to get into, but can't; and there are certain parties that want me to join, but I don't. Just because you don't make it into a party doesn't mean you aren't friends with the people in the party, or that they think you're a bad player. However, the mood they are playing in at the time may lead them not to play with you because of the mood you usually play in when you game with them.

For example, if you're a player who isn't very competitive, I won't play with you when I'm in a I-want-to-go-into-BTB-and-kick-everyone's-ass mood. Wheels36 is like this. He's one of my favorite buddies from H3WM, but Wheels only plays for fun. When I want to go off and have a bunch of shenanigans and fun, he is the first person I call. But we both know that I shouldn't bring him in when I want to play competitively.

That's basically it. If you aren't a very serious, competitive player, you are probably not going to make it into a party of serious, competitive players. If you're a person who starts driving around on mongooses mid-game trying to splatter people, some people in your party may not like that and won't invite you the next time they play.

Just please, think about what you're doing before you start crying and wondering why people don't want to play with you. I will tell you right now: I HAVE BECOME VERY COMPETITIVE ABOUT BIG TEAM. I want to win. Now, don't get me wrong; this does not mean you have to be a beast to play with me, because I know I'm not. However, I want teammates and party members who also want to win, and who want to coordinate properly, and execute strategy flawlessly against other teams. If you have the desire to improve your own game, you are always welcome in my party. I will take someone with potential who wants to reach it over someone who's good and doesn't care.

This is my own little personal thing, but I HATE team-shooting with people who won't team-shoot with me. I am constantly trying to keep everyone around me alive. If you get into a BR battle, I always help you win it, even if I know you can win it. I can count on one hand the people I've played with who I honestly felt were trying to keep me alive. It is frustrating as hell. I'll go to pull a shield swap to kill a camper; I'll go through the door, put two or three shots on him, then back out the door. My teammate won't go in and finish him off; no, he'll wait for that guy to come out and finish me off before killing him. Or I'll call for help 10 seconds before I need it, and no one playing the position that is SUPPOSED to help me will do anything until I die and they suddenly become a problem for them.

Earlier today, I had the mindset that the only person I could rely on to help me in Matchmaking was me. I hate feeling like I'm the only person trying to team-shoot. I feel like most of the people I'm playing with are just trying to get kills, and just don't mind if someone else gets it. It's completely different. I TRY to shoot at people my teammates are shooting at. I don't shoot at groups of enemies randomly. I shoot at the guy whose shields are flashing, or I shoot the closest guy to me and my teammates, because he's the biggest threat (unless one of the others has a power weapon).

If you are next to me in game, I am trying to keep you alive. When someone next to me is trying to keep me alive, we both get sprees and five assists. I'm trying to keep you alive, how about you do the same?

Playing Randoms, Parties, and Teams
You should ask yourself who you want to play against before you join a party. If you only want to play randoms, you should not join a party with multiple big team generals, especially if they're grade 2 or 3 generals, because you are definitely going to run into organized parties.

Go in with a partial party with a few lower ranked BTB people if you only want to beat up on randoms. You are not going to make it in my party if you spend the entire time we're searching sitting in recent players cringing whenever you recognize BTB regulars. I will tell you to not even send me a game invite now, because I don't want to play with you. Yes, it's nice to get a break from so many hardcore battles by playing randoms, but I would rather actually have to work really hard to win against a team, even if I'm getting my ass kicked and going negative. I feel much better about a win against BTB groups than I do beating up on randoms.

This is probably redundant because I touched on it in the communication and complaining section, but you need to understand that your negativity bleeds out onto the party. I, for one, cannot play well when everyone is getting all sadface and angryface in game and making it very clear how sadface and angryface they are during the game. Whenever I'm mad or upset, I go quiet. Some people know that I'm not happy when I'm quiet, but that hurts team morale a lot LESS than crying and screaming over the mic. Please try to stay positive, guys? I know it gets frustrating, but we can't get out of a spawn trap if we're crying. We can't beat teams if we don't think we can.

Final Thoughts
I don't want any of you to think that I hate you. I am just very frustrated and upset right now with so many things going on with the parties I've been playing with, and I needed to get it off my chest. I love this community, and I love gaming with a lot of people here. I have honestly made friends here. But I just can't keep playing the way I have. I've changed.

The hogoff changed me. I stopped driving. Because I stopped driving, I tried to get into parties more. Because I joined parties more. Because I started winning a lot, I wanted to win more. Because I wanted to win more, I got deeper into strategy. Because I got more into strategy, I understand too much now. Because I understand too much now, I get frustrated knowing exactly what needs to be done and it not being done. Because things are not being done right, I get pissed off. And because I'm pissed off, you're reading this thread.

As always, I will teach everyone anything they want to know. I love it. I love it all. But, I want to win. We need to play like we want to win. It's called Social Big TEAM. Play like a team.

Until next time.


I hope people are actually reading this. sarge and I took hours discussing this. I will be the first to admit I am guilty of some of the above, but do not act like this does not apply to you.

1/2 of the BR Leech Octagon Hall of Fame

Helping your team

Mon Aug 10, 2009 6:46 pm

Sarge once said “it’s a sad thing to know, that I can count on one hand, the amount of people that truly look to help me”

Certain people will always mesh together better than others. People’s styles are different, and when they mesh, it’s a beautiful thing. However, that doesn’t mean that helping your team is something that “only happens when we mesh”. To truly help your team, you have to look for opportunities to do it. In this thread, I will list tips, and explain what it means to help your team

When Team shooting:
Team shooting is something so valuable, I still can’t believe it hasn’t been used to its full potential.

A great team shot is the best thing in the world once you experience it. People fall over dead around you. You can’t be touched. But, don’t think you have to be the one who receives the kill. Instead, try to be the one going for the assist

Things to remember while team shooting

- Look for your teammates tag. If it’s orange, they are being damaged. If it’s yellow, then they are shooting. Both situations call for immediate attention, especially over xbl, where those tags will appear before your teammate can call for help

- Don’t fight the 1 v 1’s. No matter how pro you are, it’s better to have a teammate with you or watching you at all times. The ONLY time I suggest fighting a 1 v 1, is if you have a regen, bubble, power drain, or some other equipment like these.

- Aim for the head. twisted described it best

In 2v1 situations, when you have the advantage, aim for head shots. Why?
-both players going for 3 body shots 1 head shot.
SITUATION 1.Player 1 gets 3 shots in the body, player 2 puts 3 shots in the body. enemy dies.6shots total.
SITUATION 2. Player 1 shoots 2 shots in the head while player 2 puts 3 shots in his head enemy dies. 4-5 shots total.

- If your teammates on a multi kill, a nice little trick is to aim for the body. If he’s aiming for the head, he is guaranteed the kill (presuming he doesn’t fail, or die first).

- As strange as it sounds, when you’re a random, put yourself in the mindset that you’re going to steal kills. No, this doesn’t mean wait until the opponent is one shot, then fire, but rather, stick with a guy, and every time his tag flashes, look at where he’s shooting or where he’s getting shot from. Before you know it, you'll be team shooting with a random

Helping your team with the SNIPER:

The snipers job varies depending on the map. On small maps, the sniper tends to be either an assist machine, or a slaying machine. However, in big team, you have even more options, like supporting your teammate, without being close to him at all. You can also be more precise, and snipe that pesky elephant turret that’s keeping your team from getting the flag on sandtrap. Either way, the sniper can be quite a few things.

What your sniper can be

- A pain in the ass. If you can take down a threat, like the laser, and keep it down, you will be using a sniper to great effect. Standoff heavy is a great place to do this. If you take down their laser when you have a gauss up, they will send their team after it over and over again. Get in a comfy place, set up, and kill everyone running in a straight line for the same place.

- A complete slaying god from above. Sometimes, the best thing you can do for your team is to simply kill everything. Holding down one part of the map (upper key on avalanche, for example) is a great way to use the sniper. Remember though, eventually they will start sending people to kill you solely, so having teammate support is crucial.

- A guardian angel. There will be times where you will be forced to send a teammate into the deepest part of the enemies’ territory possible. In those situations, having someone knocking out anyone about to fire a bullet at your teammate is a valuable asset.

- Find the best place for your sniper to be. Remember, when you have a power weapon, being at the front of the pack isn’t always the best place to be. However, hanging out where you have little to no angle isn’t a great idea either.

Tips on helping your team with the LASER:

The first thing I should say is that the lasers job is also a situational job. There are times where you'll need to be on the front lines with the laser, or will need to hit an angle you’ve never tried before. However, for a majority of the time, your objective will be to STAY ALIVE

Things to remember while lasering

- Stay back. As I said earlier, sometimes you will need to be somewhere where you are being shot back at. However, for the majority of the time, staying back behind all of your team is the best thing you can do. Giving the other team control of a laser is the worst mistake you could make when you’re in possession of this weapon. The ability to stay alive so the opposing team won’t be able to run a vehicle effectively is using the laser well.

- You don’t have to shoot EVERYTHING. See that mongoose? Simply call it out for the hog to take down. Using the laser sparingly keeps the other team vehicle less. Of course, certain situations call for lasering things like mongooses and foot soldiers. You'll have to use your own judgment for this.

- Call out. When you’re behind the safety of your teams set up, you should be free to get to the highest elevation without fear of dying. So, since you have this bird’s eye view, use it! For example, on standoff, watch out for that guy camping behind a rock, looking at the hog. Or track the guy with the bruteshot. Calling out spawns is also useful

- Use your BR as a PRIMARY weapon. Shooting from across the map and hitting 2 or 3 shots into a person is still better than just watching him kill your teammate.

- You have the ability to hold down a certain area by yourself. Use it. Holding down lower key, so you can send 7 people to upper on avalanche substitutes for the 3 people it takes to run a hog and a hornet to hold down lower efficiently.

How to help your teammate who is holding the power weapons

When you don’t have a power weapon, another handy thing to do is help maximize the efficiency of your team’s power weapon holder. Don’t forget, you shouldn’t only focus on helping your power weapon holder, as you should have a certain position to hold. However, when no other options present themselves, then this is a great way to make yourself useful

Things to remember
- Be a spotter. There’s nothing better than having that one person who is being the eyes in the back of your head. When that person is working with you, calling out exactly what needs to be done, the power weapon holders job just got a lot easier.

- Be a body guard. Is your sniper sniping from pelican? Watch his back for him. Sniping on their side of upper key? Go with him, and block the spawns next to him.

How to help your team with the HOG

Yes, the almighty hog. Our site was created for this vehicle. And as such, we should be using it the best way possible. However, too many times, we find the drivers killing afks, while our flag is getting away on a mongoose. Remember as the driver, you should be driving paths that help your team best.

Some things the hog can do
-Disrupt the other team’s set-up

-Transport the objective, or give cover for the objective

-Keep enemies trapped on spawn.

-Be defence against other vehicles that are pushing your teams set up.

-Weaken the other team for your foot soldiers. This is best used when you’re not safe enough to slow down and kill, but still want to push their set up.

How to help your team with the Ghost and Chopper

I have put the ghost and chopper into the same category for the reason that their best used the same sort of way. Like the hog, the ghost and chopper can do things an ordinary foot soldier can't. However, using the ghost and chopper requires a different style to use.

Things the ghost and chopper can do
-Use the guns. You can sit a mile away and just pelt people with bullets all day, and if you’re aware of your surroundings, there’s not a thing they can do about it.

-Go on assassination missions. Send a ghost or chopper into enemy territory to kill a certain target. A stealthy user will be behind their laser, hog, or sniper, and splattering it in seconds.

-Be a vehicular defence. A chopper wins most vehicle vs. vehicle fights. A ghost can win with some assistance (great combo is a ghost/hornet)

How to help your team with the Banshee

The banshee is a powerful vehicle in the hands of a good user. It can go from one part of the map to another in the time it takes for a br fight to finish. I'm not experienced with this particular vehicle, but I will explain what I know

What the banshee can do
-RESPOND to call outs. The number one rule I've heard has been “stay low” in the banshee. As such, making callouts is NOT the primary job of the banshee. Instead, you can quickly support anyone, anywhere, anytime. Killing the mongoose that stole our flag, then quickly taking down the guy about to kill our sniper in less than 10 seconds is how I see my favourite pilots working.

-Once again… messing up their set up. Particularly on Standoff, sending a banshee to splatter their br line, then banshee bomb their sniper and fly off is how I find the banshee being used best on this map.

How to help your team with the Hornet

The hornet by its self is a weak weapon. However, its stability in the air makes it a great ASSIST weapon. These tips will be solely avalanche, as the hornet only appears there

How to use the hornet effectively
-Covering upper key. Yes, the other team will break through if you have no teammate support. However, their stay will not be long if your hornet is breaking their snipers scope over and over again.

-Killing the straggler. If one guy is in the open, or you see a mongoose heading towards your base, don’t be afraid to engage. While a br kills faster than a hornet, a hornet still kills fast enough that they won’t make it to cover before you finish them off.

-Transport. If you don’t get this yet, then hurt yourself.

-Being a mini pelican. Have someone jump into the side seat of the hornet. As long as they are a Spartan, they can drop hell from above on the other team. Fly over to their upper and power drain/rocket them. Your teammates at upper are in trouble? Fly over there and drop a regen. Flag guys no shields? Drop a bubble on him. The possibilities are endless.

Helping your team in the set up

A lot of times, we are running in a party. Before hand, you should have a rough set up set out. However, because we aren’t a team, some set ups aren’t perfect. Because of this, it’s important to remember a few things

Those few things
- Watch the blind spots. Because you won’t always have a perfect set up, there will be people sneaking behind your team. So once you have a rough set up established, take a glance around. Look to see if there is a place no one is watching.

- STAY IN YOUR POSITION. Your job sometimes will be a boring one. But, it may be a place that, if you walk away from it, the enemy team will spawn behind you, or sneak behind you. You have a role, now do it

- Make sure the spots are being filled. While you should be staying in your spot, sometimes someone else won’t be. Because of this, sometimes you may need to switch to a place where you are more needed. Make sure you call out when you leave the place that you were previously at.

Will add more as i find more subjects to go over[code][/code]

Credit to:
An Odd Armchair (Editing)
Sarge (Ideas)
Last edited by Anonymous on Fri Nov 26, 2010 7:08 am, edited 3 times in total.
Reason: trying to get these damn quotes to work

Stepping it up

Sat Sep 05, 2009 12:07 pm

Alright hell jumpers, let’s stop bullshitting around. You’ve been members for month’s now- it’s time to decide if you’re satisfied, or if you’re ready to take it to the level it requires to be part of “the good parties”. Most of you know about Sarge’s recent message- if not, ask me. What he is trying to say, is he feels disappointed. Disappointed that he’s given so much time to you guys, and all you’ve done was screw around. At the beginning, it was alright. Your new, you are just playing for fun, but are interested in getting a little better. But now, you should have learned the most basic of strategies for most maps, and should be able to Br well enough to team shot well. Now, you’re at the point, where you need to pick between being an average teammate and goofing off, but losing a lot, and improving so you’re a valuable teammate, and getting in these “awesome parties”, but having to put some more effort in.

To step it up, there are plenty of people willing to help. Sarge is still willing to teach you, as am I. we can tell you what you’re doing wrong, but don’t expect it to be filtered. You’re getting the complete truth, and some of it may piss you off. Sarge is a great driver, foot soldier, and can even tell you what you’re doing wrong as a gunner. I can help you with your Br, power weapon control, and objective work. Best of all, we can BOTH teach you the more advanced map strategies. We also have people like twisted, who can give you Br help, small map strats, and individual skill in general, and bobby, who has map strategies and gunning help. Anything and everything you need, it is available to you. However, many people don’t use it.

Now, don’t think that you won’t have fun while you’re “training”. You can still make jokes, and goof off occasionally. However, the in game chat will no longer be that of “that hilarious joke that you heard today”. And some people you got along with before, you may not find as fun as before… but if you’re serious about wanting to play better, then it is worth it

Credits to:
Sarge (Ideas and Editing)
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Let's see how this goes...

Sun Sep 06, 2009 2:04 pm

Alright. I am going to try something new here. There are a number of threads here, all long, that are basically rants with lots of helpful stuff in them. With my new abilities, I have decided that I will unlock them to allow public discussion. I do not like how a few of us can spout off as we choose, then lock things so no one can tell us otherwise.

Please not, though, that if this gets out of hand and turns out to be a mistake, I will re-lock this thread and possibly even delete outrageous posts. Please use some decorum, guys.
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Re: Helpful Rants

Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:00 am

I've never actually seen anything here about helping to improve people's skill in just aiming a weapon at an enemy. Perhaps we should begin improving that. The only feasible suggestion I could make would be to train in 1v1s with people that have really strong BRs. No grenades. Infinite ammo. All the while they might want to be in a private chat with their trainer to receive tips on aiming and strafing.
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Re: Helpful Rants

Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:33 am

ONI Spook R111 wrote:
I've never actually seen anything here about helping to improve people's skill in just aiming a weapon at an enemy. Perhaps we should begin improving that. The only feasible suggestion I could make would be to train in 1v1s with people that have really strong BRs. No grenades. Infinite ammo. All the while they might want to be in a private chat with their trainer to receive tips on aiming and strafing.

back when we were trying to get helljumpers started and stuff i remember we would randomly go into a custom game and br the crap out of each other and crazy wouldnt let the game end till everyone got like 25 kills or something idk bout that last bit but i remember getting owned... particularly by the sniper that someone kept grabbing and hiding in the teleporter with..... oooh.... i just had an idea for a large party dueling map where theres like 8 people but they are all dueling in seperate arenas to prevent clean up crew kill... well im off to see if i can make it work.
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Re: Helpful Rants

Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:19 am

Pengin, I have two maps like this already, but go ahead and try and make one.
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Re: Helpful Rants

Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:56 am

hey, anytime someone wants to do a br custom, just tell me. i love them, and have already done one with chicken
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Re: Helpful Rants

Mon Sep 07, 2009 7:10 pm

It would probably be wise to do them often. Pengin's idea sounds pretty damn cool, too.
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Re: Helpful Rants

Mon Sep 21, 2009 9:30 pm

you're using a controller to fire a weapon that has no recoil is immune to your lack of trigger control and breath control, windage or any other real ballistic impairities.

if you miss you looked at the target, Pineappling shame on you end of story.

you don't need a custom map with no shields or flaming ninjas to teach people how to aim, they need to train their eyes to focus on the reticle not the blue or red guy.

and who picked the name for this?
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Re: Helpful Rants

Mon Sep 21, 2009 10:08 pm

ghost7421 wrote:
you're using a controller to fire a weapon that has no recoil is immune to your lack of trigger control and breath control, windage or any other real ballistic impairities.

if you miss you looked at the target, Pineapple shame on you end of story.

you don't need a custom map with no shields or flaming ninjas to teach people how to aim, they need to train their eyes to focus on the reticle not the blue or red guy.

and who picked the name for this?

The Hell Jumpers are a group committed to improving their game... in a BR custom you could do this by messing with your Sensitivity, practicing different strafes/jumping, ducking in and out of cover, and team shooting.

And doing this against someone who has a better BR, Strafe, or whatnot can really improve your own skills.
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Re: Helpful Rants

Mon Sep 21, 2009 10:24 pm

i read it again... it doesn't say omgz wut r u. it says who picked the name.

and yes, practicing against someone who can look at the reticle while moving will help but if the problem is missing the only solution is to stop looking at the target and start looking at the sights.
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Re: Helpful Rants

Mon Sep 21, 2009 11:16 pm

One thing I'd like to see more of is feedback. Especially in HJ nights. The whole point of those nights is that everyone is there to practice and improve their skills. If you want to play matchmaking, you should go do that with your own party, not come into the HJ night asking for matchmaking. Back on topic of the feedback. After a game, I think both team captains should go through what the team did well, and what the team could improve on. This means that when they're trying to tell you how to improve (which if you'll remember, is why we're all here), it's really disruptive for those who are trying to listen if other people are chattering.

And in the pre-game lobby: these games aren't meant to be about who wins, they should be about learning. I really liked the idea where each captain went through the positions of each team member. So what if the other team now knows your 'strategy'? Ultimately, you should be listening, because it will be your strategy too when HJ come together and enter matchmaking.

I've been hearing this a lot lately now that I've in a new job and in university, but I think it applies here. You amount you get out of HellJumpers is the amount you put into it. There's so much material here on the site, and so many people going above and beyond for us, the least we could do is show a little respect and try to match that level of dedication.
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Re: Helpful Rants

Thu Sep 24, 2009 6:24 pm

ghost7421 wrote:
i read it again... it doesn't say omgz wut r u. it says who picked the name.

and yes, practicing against someone who can look at the reticle while moving will help but if the problem is missing the only solution is to stop looking at the target and start looking at the sights.

Actually, the best solution is probably to just play campaign on Legendary with Blind on. That's probably the best way to make your aiming intuitive which is much quicker than looking at the reticle.

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