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Christmas plans, games, and traditions

Wed Dec 21, 2016 6:05 pm

This weekend is Christmas, which means different things for a lot of different people. I thought it'd be nice to chat a bit about our plans for the weekend for two reasons:

1. I like hearing what different people do during this holiday!
2. If you've got some free time and want to try and play some video games let us know, maybe we can party up!

Christmas has always been half a working holiday for me, as almost every year since High School I have been contracted to play a Christmas Eve mass for a Church. It's always a good gig; easy music that sound beautiful, the service is always joyful and about love and peace, and I usually make a decent amount of money. This year is no different, I've got a 10pm Mass at the same Church I've played for quite a few different holidays. That means I'm gone Christmas Eve making money from 7pm until about midnight.

As for Christmas Day I celebrate the way my family often does. Being Jewish we go see a movie and eat Chinese food. This year is no different. Luke and I have tickets to see Rogue One at noon, and we've already confirmed that the Chinese place a walk from our apartment will be open.

Since Chanuakkah starts on Christmas Eve this year, I'll also be lighting the menorah at sundown like normal. And because I have both Friday AND Monday off from my day job I'll get almost four full days (minus gig time) to relax! Luke and I are going to try and finish Kings Quest on Sunday while eating Chinese, and I hope to get a good amount of either Halo or Gears Horde in as well. So if anyone wants to party up let me know!

So tell us your plans for the Holiday, and if you are looking for some game time!
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Re: Christmas plans, games, and traditions

Wed Dec 21, 2016 6:37 pm

Most of my family is concentrated in New Orleans, so we all end up having to organize Christmas plans across a number of family branches.

We spend Christmas Eve by my maternal grandmother. My grandmother has four daughters, who have a combined nine children, who have produced a combined three great-grandchildren so far. She usually makes a gumbo and there's some ham. We usually end up playing some intense games of Spades.

Christmas Day is the afternoon meal with my dad's family. We meet by his maternal aunt, who has two sisters that have produced five children, who produced seven grandchildren. I'm the oldest, so we haven't produced great grandchildren yet. Similar menu.

At some point I may drop by my dad's paternal uncle to see some other family members.

Additionally, my friend David and I have a holiday tradition of watching Make the Yuletide Gay on Christmas. It's a cheesy film, but it makes me happy. We've got a couple joining us this year and we're inviting a few other gays. Hoping this becomes something we get more people enjoying with us.

Two days after that it's on to the hog rally.
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Re: Christmas plans, games, and traditions

Wed Dec 21, 2016 7:21 pm

Christmas eve dinner at the house for xmas with kerri's dad, my little brother coming by that night and off to my dad and step moms xmas morning for some time with them, then back across town for dinner and more fun with kerri's moms family. then on monday doing the last minute run around to get the last few things needed to prep for the hog rally and people start getting in town late monday night and tuesday morning :)
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Re: Christmas plans, games, and traditions

Wed Dec 21, 2016 7:28 pm

Grandmother is coming down from Tennessee, and that's about it. We keep our Christmas quiet and do travel the week prior and sometimes the weeks after.
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Re: Christmas plans, games, and traditions

Thu Dec 22, 2016 9:12 am

A good portion of my family is concentrated in the Nashville, TN area. We have done the same thing for almost 30 years, which is always a welcomed part of Christmas. Christmas Eve afternoon we go to my paternal grandmother's house to eat and exchange gifts. About 10 years ago (I think) we started playing Dirty Santa instead with our gift exchange since most of the grandchildren are in their 20's. To give you an idea, my grandmother has 4 children, 8 grandchildren (1 has passed) and 6 great grandchildren. Sadly, my oldest uncle and his side of the family doesn't attend anymore after drama that I won't go over happened about 5 years ago.

After leaving her house, we usually go home and open the gifts we got for one another at the household (my parents, brother and I). Then, we get a fire going, drink hot chocolate and spend some time together before heading off to bed.

Christmas day is usually just the relax day for us before going to spend some time with my mother's side of the family. My maternal grandmother and grandfather are no longer with us. She has two sisters with 3 children combined and 2 grandchildren combined. Two of the children are out of the area so we don't get to see them often. So, it's usually a very small gathering at my aunt's house. This year we're eating Christmas dinner there.

We've also started the tradition of going to see a movie on Christmas day as well. Don't know if we'll do that this year or not. My brother is in Mexico playing professional baseball so he won't be able to come home until later this month or mid-January.

Should be a good couple of days though!
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