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BTB/Invasion Throwdowns

Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:15 pm

I thought I would make another thread specifically for those awesome 8v8 BTB (or 6v6 Invasion) games where both teams are full parties. These are the most competitive BTB games because its where we show everyone who's boss. ::flex::

The other night we played 3 games against xxxossxxx (H3 BTB name) and some of his guys:

CTF on Hemorrhage (Tie 0-0) - Absolutely destroyed them in slayer, but couldn't break the base turtle.
Classic Slayer on Spire (Win 75-70) - Some good vehicle runs and power weapon control
Stockpile on Spire (Win 10-9) - Great teamwork on gathering flags and vehicle suppression of their base.
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Re: Big Team Throwdowns

Wed Sep 29, 2010 5:22 pm

good idea for a thread ::thumbs::
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Re: Big Team Throwdowns

Fri Oct 15, 2010 10:32 pm

Game against the first ExO party I've seen in Reach.

Slayer on Hemorrhage (75-49)
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Re: Big Team Throwdowns

Sat Oct 23, 2010 8:07 am

Be extremely careful with this......
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Re: Big Team Throwdowns

Sat Oct 23, 2010 8:35 am

ConsumedFever wrote:
Be extremely careful with this......

Agreed. One way to keep this thread from being misinterpreted or misused would be to include a short writeup rather than just a winning score.

What worked, what didn't? What did they do to counter your strategies?

As this is a thread for "big team throwdowns" I expect to see losses when they happen too...
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Re: Big Team Throwdowns

Sat Oct 23, 2010 5:35 pm

We played a tough game of One Flag on Hemorrhage against OscarTheFrog and his friends today. A Wheelmen, OcR, and BSG team made up the Red Team.

Game Link

Pregame Lobby

In the lobby, the Red team continued its typical herpin and derpin and discussed a few strategic points before the game started. With about 15 seconds left in the lobby, I realized that we were about to play OscartheFrog and remembered he was from the site. I pointed this out to Jedi, and we both failed at quickly coming off Team and Party to say hi to Oscar.

With little time to talk, Oscar and I exchanged greetings and wished each other good luck.

Round 1: Defense

The game opened up as any typical Hemorrhage game with a vehicle rush from both teams. We, the red team, sent a hog to Mouse Hill, a Ghost to pick up Plasma Launcher, and a Revenant toward Rock Field. The blue team sent two hogs and a Revenant. After pulling back the plasma launcher, we took early control of Mouse Hill and sent guys along the cave ridge to negate the use of their cave. For the rest of the round, Red team used their vehicles and team DMR to hold the middle of the map and didn't let anything through.

Round 2: Offense

In our offensive round, we rushed a hog and ghost toward mouse hill, a ghost and revenant toward Rock Field, and a Wraith to the plasma launcher spawn. The Revenant dropped Kitty off at the plasma launcher spawn, and then 3 vehicles teamed up on blue team's first hog. The Red Team attempted to push their vehicles forward slowly to bait the blue Wraith out, but a sniper on the Ridge kept the hog at bay, and the blue team took down our Revenant. Despite the loss of the heavy vehicle, the hog and revenant continued to run around the Garden, Rock Field, and Trees to keep the pressure up, but the Revenant fell to vehicular team fire.

With a minute left, Red team blitz two hogs and two ground pounders on to the enemy side and managed to take down the wraith. Though we finally reached their base, a sniper took out one gunner just as the other hog bailed out to pull a flag. With no time left, and too many blue guys in the base to fight, they held us off from a flag.

Round 3: Defense

At the start of round 3, we sent a hog to Mouse Hill to support the GPs coming through our teleporter, and Jedi (for the lulz) attempted to flip my hog because of a comment I made earlier about him (:D). Kitty rushed her Ghost at the Plasma launcher again. Their sniper stopped us from grabbing the plasma launcher, but we managed to take down one of their hogs on the opening push. Though we held mid well, the blue team's Wraith did serious damage to any of our vehicles that crossed over the halfway mark. In addition, Blue Team's team-shooting forced us to back off many times from mid. By the end of the round, my hog's dashboard was flashing red, telling me that it was on the verge of exploding.

With one minute left, Blue team went all out and rushed everything they had onto our side, and gave us a serious scare when they managed to get 3-4 people over our ridge right as their hog took down our Wraith. However, we managed to hold them off our flag.

Round 4: Offense

With one round left, we were determined to score, and not just play for the tie. Just like our first offensive round, we rushed our vehicles to mid. This time, though, Bloody rushed his Wraith behind us to Mouse Hill and accidentally flipped us out, and then no-shielded us. Luckily, I threw a drop shield and Bloody killed the hog. We tried to push aggressively with vehicles, but the blue team showed they were not ready to give up and took down our hog with some well placed Revenant shots.

Even with the hog down, Jedi managed to keep his Revenant alive on the cave side of the map. Which allowed me to bring another hog, while two GPs pushed over their ridge, and Chuck pushed up to their shotty rocks. Blood also pushed up with his wraith and helped us pick off people around the base. Three blue members ended up pinned in their dark spawn, while two others ended up trapped by our sniper as our 3 GPs pushed onto their base. Jedi managed to pick up the flag carrier in the Revenant, while the rest of us covered their backs.

Post-Game Lobby

Both teams exchange pleasantries after the game, saying "Good Game" and mentioning how well both teams played.

What I Learned

A lot of the game is decided in the first 30 seconds. We took control of Mouse Hill every round, and well as taking control of the plasma launcher.

As for the flag pull, we managed this because everyone on our team pushed up. Azn sniped from the rocks, and took out two spawns and people off the base. One guy went over their ridge, and another went under their ridge. A third went across mid to their shotty spawn, while we kept a hog, revenant, and Wraith on their side. We kept 5 of them out of their base, so our 3 guys who pushed to the top of their base rained nades down on the few left inside. And as soon as we pulled the flag, we pulled it out on a vehicle immediately, while everyone else covered their backs.

For Defense on this map, there is absolutely no reason to push past the middle of the map, except insofar as you need to neutralize people coming through the cave and their teleporter.
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Re: Big Team Throwdowns

Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:28 pm

As per request, one of our loses. Sytosis' crew knew what they were doing. We didn't get laser off the start, the banshees took each other out, and their sniper took out our tank. They held the cliff in front of our base the rest of the game and stole our sniper off spawn. They also stole our tank off spawn by crouching around the side of the map in the water. We then proceeded to get spawnkilled by 2 tanks behind our base while they ran a flag out the front. They also managed to block the teleporter somehow so we couldn't get through.
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Re: Big Team Throwdowns

Wed Nov 24, 2010 7:37 am

So played a few games against GameChanger which is that banshee guy who quits if he doesn't get it.

Ended up destroying his party.
75-44 Win
They rage quit

Another BTB team with a fair amount of generals beat. I don't recognise any of them really. BTB randoms?

Fun games over all.

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Re: Big Team Throwdowns

Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:30 am

Played a few games last night against some of the best BTB/Squad battle players.

We tied Booo on live and his party on multi-flag Hemorrhage. Even though we were in control the whole game it was ridiculously hard to pull the flag. I had a few good plays with the Revenant taking out their wraith a few times.

Game link

Game against Asian, NoShield, iSi FurY iSi...
Last game of the night was on Paridaso and we got the retarded side with the huge cliff. We got an early flag cap and we held the top for ages. However when they got their banshee it was easy for them to clear us off and we ended up spawning in stupid locations getting banshee bombed off spawn. Fun....
I got a nice amount of assists DMR'ing everything I could.

Game Link

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Re: BTB/Invasion Throwdowns

Thu Dec 23, 2010 1:38 pm

My first games this morning were against tough Invasion players.

We played two games in a row on Breakpoint against the same team. The game went blackscreen multiple times in both games. They switched out one guy after the first game, and someone rage quit out of the second. Some of these guys are in the top of the Invasion leaderboards, but our teamwork and strategy still wins out.

Game 1: 3-1 on Breakpoint
Game 2: 3-1 on Breakpoint
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Re: BTB/Invasion Throwdowns

Sun Jan 09, 2011 9:29 pm

ReG vs. SIK
No trashtalk pregame lobby ... eG%20Cloud

SIK Crazy threatens to boot carbon off his xbox, and tells us ReGs catchphrase is turns h3 nobodys into somebodys lmao. ... eG%20Cloud

They stayed in the lobby after the boardwalk loss and I gotta give em props for that. We got map control on defense

SIK Crazy is a kid who cant handle a loss, imo they should drop him from the team because he brought down the way we looked at them as a team. The rest of SIK was chill and kept telling Crazy to stfu while he was ranting, so shows they have some class.
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Re: BTB/Invasion Throwdowns

Mon Feb 21, 2011 6:50 pm

up against a team of halocharts guys, with considerably better stats and skills than our team.

we didnt have a confident wraith driver for the map, but after a slow and shakey start, being knocked right back to our spawn, we held our ground, hogs flying back and forth, team DMRs ripping everything that moved to shreds.

they controlled mouse hill and their teleport; but with some solid sniping and hogs pushing them back, taking the brunt of what was delt out by the enemy we just won.

big bro slayer on Hemorrhage 63- 57

Halocharts game analyser, sort by rating ::flex::

an exciting game showing that, clever vehicle use and team work can beat a solid teams dmrs.

my favourite moments of the match where to take out the wraith or sniper who were slaying our team we co-ordinated a team dmr and hog push and took down the threats, often resulting in death for the hog team, but we still had our sniper and another hog, they did not, its moves like this that enabled us to regain a foothold!

the clincher for the match when all along both teams had traded kills and deaths the lead flipping back and forth. Was the last minute counter attack as the enemy pushed our cliff in great numbers the hog and revenant flanked them killing their sniper and stragglers and allowing ours to take full advantage of the cliff duckshoot!

great game guys and gal, and with a random as well!

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