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Invasion Friday Write-Ups

Sat Nov 06, 2010 10:27 am

Week 1

Overall Stats Spreadsheet

I'd say we had a great night overall. Our record from the night was 4-0-5. We won 4 games and tied 5, but we didn't lose any of our games. This was actually the longest streak of playing Reach I've had without wanting to go play a different game. Many lolz were had.

**I'm having issues with my YouTube uploads. I'll paste the YouTube vids in when Kobe uploads them to the site YouTube**

Game 1: Invasion Spire; 0-0 Tie

We opened up our night with a stalemate on Invasion: Spire. Neither team managed to get past tier 1, and it was a pretty solid game for us to get our feet wet and adapt to each other. RJ and I ended up being a fire team for the entire night, though everyone else ended up switching around for some reason. I would like to point out that I got a Protector medal on RJ in our first game of the night. :D

Twisted assassinating a Spartan:

Game 2: Invasion Boneyard; 3-0 Win

At the start of our second game, RJ and I obliterate the cliff spawn team of elites and kill both of them immediately. We did a good job of holding the elites off during tier 1, and I managed to pick up a killing spree at the end of the tier by clearing Bravo and Alpha.

On our offensive round, we managed to capture Alpha. Afterwards, we steadily pushed onward for the rest of the game. We did a great job of covering the core once we managed to get it out of the base, and smart plays inside the base by RJ and Twisted managed to get the core outside of the base.

Game 3: Invasion Spire; 2-2 Tie

We met our first real challenge in game 3. Even though we tied, we got outslayed completely. The Spartans overwhelmed us on the Bravo side of the map, and started capturing both territories at once, and we were unable to oust them from Bravo in time. We encountered similar issues at Tier 2. The Spartans simply overwhelmed us and we failed to stop them. However, we barely managed to keep them from capturing the core at Tier 3.

After one of the blue guys quit, we managed to quickly push the game to Tier 3, but encountered some intense defense after we pulled the core out, ending the game in a tie.

This was actually a pretty terrible for game for RJ when it came to betrayals. I ended up betraying RJ twice, Azn betrayed him once, and RJ committed suicide once. Poor RJ :(

Game 4: Invasion Spire; 3-0 Win

We bounced back in Game 4 and 3-0'd our next opponents. As soon as tier 1 ended, I sprinted to the Spire, and managed to stay alive through all of tier 2 as we captured the first territory in the spire. Afterwards, we pulled the core out and scored it quickly. This was probably our fastest game of the night. We just completely outmatched the other team.

Falcon about to be pwned:

Game 5: Invasion Boneyard; 3-0 Win

Carrying that same momentum forward, we 3-0'd the next team we played on Boneyard. We won our offensive round in under 5 minutes, and then skunked the Spartans on the next round. Honesty, there isn't a lot to say about this game. We just played it well.

Game 6: Invasion Spire; 3-3 Tie

This was the only game we played in which both teams scored the core. I think part of the reason we didn't hold the other team back was because RJ and I spawned at Ridge Road at the start of the game instead of BFG. This was the first time we had to hold the left side, and the Spartans managed to cap with about 5 seconds left in the tier. Our offensive round went much better. We did the exact same thing they did to us and relentlessly pushed forward nonstop.

I did take a clip of me using Armor Lock well during Tier 2 and 3.
AL Works (Rendered)

Game 7: Invasion Boneyard; 2-0 Win

Pilot had to leave before this game, and we picked up OnE ViZ for our last three games. Even though we skunked the Elites, they stopped us from scoring the core, even though we pulled the core out of the Refinery.

Also, Twisted is the worst Wraith ever..
Rendered Clip

Game 8: Invasion Boneyard; 0-0 Tie

I was actually surprised that this was the only 0-0 tie on Boneyard for the night. This is the map that typically ends in a stalemate, but it only happened once.

Game 9: Invasion Spire; 2-2 Tie

This was our last game of the night, and it was definitely our bloodiest. Though we held them off until the last minute during Tier 1, the enemy got a clutch series of kills over at Alpha and pushed us to Tier 2. Their offensive round was a long, drawn-out affair. On the other hand, we blitzed to Tier 3, and then couldn't get enough people to the core itself to score it.

Armor Lock in Hill:

Also, our Blarg Falcon getting pwned:
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Re: Invasion Friday Write-Ups

Sat Nov 06, 2010 5:37 pm

I had a lot of fun. Really one of our 1st competitive minded sessions and I think we proved that Reach can be played competitively. After the first couple games we kinda got in a groove and played a lot better.

Lesson of the night: Don't give Twisted the wraith.
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Re: Invasion Friday Write-Ups

Sun Nov 07, 2010 7:33 am

I had a great night and look forward to doing this in the future! When will we be doing this again? ::help:: ::hog:: ::hog::
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Re: Invasion Friday Write-Ups

Sun Nov 07, 2010 9:34 am

Every Friday.
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Re: Invasion Friday Write-Ups

Sun Nov 07, 2010 10:54 am

Yeah. We can play Invasion whenever we want, but scheduling for Friday is good for everyone who wants to participate regularly.
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Re: Invasion Friday Write-Ups

Sun Nov 07, 2010 11:30 pm

YouTube vids embedded.
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Re: Invasion Friday Write-Ups

Sun Nov 07, 2010 11:48 pm

If you guys want to do this around midnight est on Fridays I would be interested.... :)
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Re: Invasion Friday Write-Ups

Thu Nov 11, 2010 4:51 pm

Looks like you guys did well last Friday.

I would be interested in participating regularly if it was not on so late for me (I'm 5 hours ahead of eastern.)
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Re: Invasion Friday Write-Ups

Fri Nov 12, 2010 1:54 pm

RJ wrote:
Every Friday.

I have to go to football games on Fridays. ::FP::

When the season's over, my Fridays should free up. Hopefully. =P
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Re: Invasion Friday Write-Ups

Fri Nov 12, 2010 1:59 pm

We just scheduled for Friday. We did play Invasion on Saturday and Sunday last weekend. lol

Just send us a message when we're on to play.
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Re: Invasion Friday Write-Ups

Fri Nov 12, 2010 2:22 pm

will do
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Re: Invasion Friday Write-Ups

Fri Nov 12, 2010 2:49 pm

cant make it tonight, look forward to seein how well you guys do without me sandbaggin! ::lol:: look forward to the write-up!
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Re: Invasion Friday Write-Ups

Sat Nov 20, 2010 1:47 am

We ran a pretty okay Invasion night this week. It actually turned into a blue group party for a while.

After getting off to a terrible start on Boneyard, we had a quick talk and managed to pull it back together for a tie on Spire.

After we changed up the party and filled it with clan members, we saw a solid game of Spire. Then, after getting our feet wet on Boneyard, we destroyed in the next game. In this game we proved that superior slaying does not alone win Invasion games. With that in mind, we made sure we focused on the objective in our next Spire game.

We played quite a few more games after that. I ended up playing a total of 24 games tonight. Overall, I had a solid performance to night. Check out more Daily Report on HaloCharts to see how I did for 21 of my games. I'd say I performed well.

Moreover, though, it was awesome to play Invasion with a full party of Blues for an extended period of time. 'Twas a lot of fun, guys. I'll probably post a few clips from the night tomorrow.
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