So, RJ and I tend to play as randoms during the afternoons when no on else is on. We don't expect to win very often, but it's still fun to play. We get a game on Spire and start off as Elites. We spawn on the far left (Mountain Road/Alpha), and most of the Spartans rush the far right (Cliff Cave/Bravo). Our middle team doesn't head over there as the Bravo is under attack, leaving our Bravo guys to get wrecked. The tier ends and our Bravo guys quit immediately.
RJ and I, the warriors we are, do not quit. We continued fighting. We held the Spartans off for most of tier 2, but they overran us at the end (I ran out of grenades to throw

). At the start of Tier 3, they managed to steal our banshee, but we eventually drained and killed it. With the game on the line, I grabbed the banshee and killed the core carrier right before he capped. Through some solid teamwork, we manage to stop the Spartans from scoring the core.
On offense, RJ and I immediately pushed up into Alpha. We aren't sure where the Elites went, but we managed to capture the tier on our first push without dying. After the Tier ended, and with a few fights around the sniper spawn, I managed to clear the area and get our sniper up. RJ pushed into the Spire with Rockets, but there were too many there. With 30 seconds left in the Tier, I pushed into the Spire with RJ. I no-scoped two elites on the ring, and tossed a few grenades. RJ went into armor lock at the last second and captured the Tier in sudden death. We'd tied the game!
They got their banshee up early,
but then this happened. We tried to steal their banshee twice during Tier 3 to get some form of map control, but we were unsuccessful. Rather than try to out-fight 6 Elites that controlled their banshee, our rockets, and our sniper rifle, we lifted up into the Spire with their fuel rod and killed them as they tried to clear us for the rest of the game. Our two remaining teammates continuously dropped the core down, but the banshee killed them every time.
We may have been down 2 guys for the entirety of the game, but we still tied and performed well, going collectively 46-8-28.
Game Link