Party: HWM Sarge, HWM RJ, HWM BlacKnight, HWM Yozi, Cruckeyee, Oblivion Demon
Prologue: After many unsuccessful, but valiant pushes on territorries Alpha and Bravo, the majority of blue elites (which will be refered to as Blargs for the remainder of the story) have given up on capturing their objective and have decided their K/Ds are more important than the possibilities of winning a credit jackpot. So they all quit, except one. Their AFK brethren who is left defenseless to the incoming swarm of incoming spartans. Upon the discovery of an AFK enemy, the spartans decided not to boost rear admiral commendations, but to help the lonely blarg in his quest for victory. Hilarity ensues.
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Spoiler: show
Many lolz were had. Just goes to show that it takes a little effort to be nice, and sometimes we make some friends.