I like the dual view in that Yozi, much better than watching the video twice over. Any time I want to see a gunning angle or some such I just rewind a second and watch again. I think that system could be a tremendous boon for training via videos, especially once you get into gunner angles and vulnerability. Being able to see what your gunner sees at the same time you can see what you were doing could help link things together more effectively in peoples' heads.
Good job Sarge. I like how you didn't immediately trade out to a new hog as soon as one was available like alot of people (including me) do. Waiting for the hog to actually take a fair amount of damage before trading definitely increased the longevity of your hog run, and allowed other people to have some fun with hogs as well. Well done.
Also, I like that little loop you do below their cave. Too often I get sucked into a continual circle around their base which just pulls my gunner off before they can usually finish a kill and, depending upon the enemy spawns, has me getting shot almost non-stop.