The goals of the mixer are:
- To get them playing in the squads we've been working on for the last week
- Get some inter-clan/community action going in Halo 5
- Continue the trend from last week of getting the community together on Friday consistently.
Let me know in this thread if you want to help out and when you'll be on.
Note: I put this thread here because some of you are new and some people are coming back. In the future, organized events like this will go in the HWM Events forum.
Protip: View New Posts is your friend on the forums.
- HWM Sarge (8 EST) (Flex)
- HWM Grass (Assault)
- Swift Strider
- HWM Luv Gunn
- Criporc
- HWM Hel Monkey
- RubberDuckE (Maybe)
SSG Knights:
- Aelius (After 8 EST) (Backup/Defense)
- Run5k (Defense)
- CeruleanGirl (Defense)
- Mr Dead3ye
- OptionDisabled
- Sir Riasus (8 EST) (Assault)
- SSG Heathen