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Introducing: Revball and The Splatterdome

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 3:47 am
by Wheels36
The creator of Halo 3's Hogball brings you his finest work yet.



Revball is Halo Reach's version of soccer. The game is 4 vs 4 with each team recieving 3 revenants and 1 ghost. Use your vehicle to shoot or ram the ball into the opposing team's goal, indicated by the colored indicator light above it that matches their team, or the stockpile countdown timer inside the goal.

Players and vehicles are invulnerable and hijacking and assassinations are disabled. So stifle those slayer tendencies and keep your focus on the ball! The revenant's cannon is ideal for shooting the ball around the stadium. With skill, you can become a crack shot at scoring from a distance. Even though the name is Revball, each team recieves a single ghost. The ghost is more suited to goalies or strikers. The best tactic is to lay low and wait for the right moment. Then pounce by boosting to ram the ball away from your goal or into your opponents'.


The home of Revball is the state of the art Splatterdome. This fully domed soccer stadium features automatic ONE ROUND scoring and ball return. Each goal you score is greeted by the sound of celebratory explosions. These explosions cause a flag to fall into your teams stockpile score zone. Then the ball rolls into The Splatterdome's patented ball return system. 15 seconds after you hear the explosions, the ball shoots back into the field of play. By that time, the flags are collected, a point is recieved, and the goal is reset and ready to be scored in again.


Gametime is set to 10 minutes or first team to 5 goals. 5 minutes after the ball is first touched, it despawns and returns to midfield. This is called halftime. So when you hear the announcer go "5 minutes remaining" hurry back to midfield and get ready to start the second half.

Here is the links to download the map and gametype. ... r=Wheels36

Here is a video of an entire game of Revball.

I made a silver account called Revball Players, so add it as a friend and use the friend of friend feature to help find fellow revball fans for matches!

Love the game? Tell all your friends to download it and spread the word. Lets get Revball into matchmaking!

Re: Introducing: Revball and The Splatterdome

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 3:54 am
by Turtle
>>Revball PRO

Love this game, would be interested in starting a tournament (GGN or H3WM)

Re: Introducing: Revball and The Splatterdome

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 3:57 am
by Wheels36
El Legundo is already talking about a ladder set up at the Legend Zero site, home of Halo Demo Derby

Re: Introducing: Revball and The Splatterdome

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 7:02 am
by Chuckar0o215
Revball= ::flex:: ::panic:: ::wheel::

Great game wheels u should consider sending this to tht forge contest bungies having ::?::

-wheneva u needz people to test throw me a invite :wave:

Re: Introducing: Revball and The Splatterdome

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 7:14 am
by il Duce
Moved to forge garage. Awesome design, can't wait to test it!

Re: Introducing: Revball and The Splatterdome

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 7:18 am
by Legundo
1. OMG THAT VIDEO IS NOT THE ONE WHERE I DOUBLE SCORED!! The would have been awesome.

2. Now that you're finished with the map and gametype (for now) I'll get that started and ready for some team play. 4v4 with an alternate, right? I know who I want our team to be! ::flex::

DONE! Once I get my PC back I'll make an announcement video too if u like. I saw Revball classic (15 mins no score limit) so I added that as a challenge option. Here's the like, but you have to register to see it, sorries, best I can do!


New Article:

Hoping to see some teams register right away! I'll also have a tourney set up once there's a few teams playing.


Re: Introducing: Revball and The Splatterdome

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 8:19 am
by DOM
Great Job Wheels!!!

Revball is Fun... ::bump::

Re: Introducing: Revball and The Splatterdome

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 8:59 am
by BarryCarlyon
Hmm I won't bother doing a league/ladder then. Seems LZ have beaten me to it


Re: Introducing: Revball and The Splatterdome

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 9:07 am
by Legundo
BarryCarlyon wrote:
Hmm I won't bother doing a league/ladder then. Seems LZ have beaten me to it


Don't be frowey, we can always work together on events, I'm relly open to getting this to be "the community's MLG" of sorts. Games, for FUN, that can be organised and run through a central location. This is the main reason I established it. It's sad all the ladder sites are so hyper competitave assholes, for lack of better words, LZ Gaming is meant to be a fun place.

Getting it off the ground, though, has been difficult.

PM me if you have an collab/ideas.

Re: Introducing: Revball and The Splatterdome

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 9:11 am
by BarryCarlyon
I defer you to the hogball league, that never got off the ground mind you, tho I did get it running late in the halo 3 game.

Code needs testing throughly, but was going to build it for ladders on top

as well as the reach version of hogball, but wheels has given it to you to do.

No point duplicating

Re: Introducing: Revball and The Splatterdome

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 9:16 am
by Legundo
Well the good thing with our sortware is its modular, pretty much a direct parallell to GameBattles, so as far as events and reporting we're set.

Didn't mean to step on your toes there man, guess great minds think alike!

Re: Introducing: Revball and The Splatterdome

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 9:17 am
by BarryCarlyon
Mine does reporting automatically I was screen scraping the XML feeds.

Was going to do the same with RevBall.

But yah consider my feet very trampled. Best of luck with it

Re: Introducing: Revball and The Splatterdome

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 9:54 am
by BarryCarlyon

I might just build it anyway I had lots and lots of ideas for stats and things

Re: Introducing: Revball and The Splatterdome

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 10:30 am
by il Duce
That's quite enough out of both parties..

Legend, I know you're not around here very often, but barry has been working on various trackers for internal and public tournaments.

Barry, you also didn't jump in and be proactive here. Legend saw an opportunity and took it. No need to get your panties in a bunch.

Anything further on this matter will be removed. I only want to see reviews and options on this gametype, NOT whining about who stubbed their toe.

Re: Introducing: Revball and The Splatterdome

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 11:01 am
by Sarge
>>Best striker in Revball.

I pro.

Revball is amazing. Wheels has outdone himself this time.