•Name: Elsa
•Age: 35
•Occupation: Clicking and typing on a computer for a large company.
•How did you find HaloWheelmen? I worked with Brick, and his HWM shirts are really cool, and I was like OOO look at that!

•Favorite playlist: Raid the Arcade, from Armada
•Favorite Weapon: Knitting needles
•Favorite Music: things I can sing to
•Favorite Movies: The Princess Bride
•Favorite Games: Lords of Waterdeep, Firefly,
•Favorite Color: SPARKLES
•Favorite Quote: Forget motivation. Embrace a lifelong commitment to overwhelming competitiveness. -Tesla
•Favorite Food: whatever is in front of me
•Dream Car: A Tesla whatever
•Hobbies: Puns. Knitting. Napping.
•Playtime and Timezone: MDT