I did notice several people coming back here (Jazzy, TheeMC, Jon, Criporc, Wheels I noticed the gamertag change), so just wanted to see what was happening and reconnect with some old friends.
Some of you may remember me the last time we played together, when I was 15 years old, so I have changed a bit myself in the past 7 years. (If I seemed annoying or anything that probably changed

Just to fill in some of the "into" list from Sarge a bit about me now. I am a landscape designer out of college outside of Philadelphia. I currently have been playing Farming Simulator 17, Rocket League, Battlefield One, and some Destiny and Hall MCC. I have to say, I do not have the time I did from high school to play as I did before but I still have a fondness for Halo 3.
Glad to be back!