•Gamertag(s): xOOOO
•Name: Addison
•City: Omaha
•Occupation: Insurance
•How did you find HaloWheelmen?: I've been playing with them (MC, Monster, Ruby, etc.) the last couple of weeks
•Clan: none
•Clan Status: none
•Current Halo 5 Spartan Rank: 138
•Favorite playlist: Warzone, Warzone Assault, BTB
•Favorite Weapon: DMR, Pistol
•Favorite Loadout: Upgraded Thrusters, Sentinel DMR, Projection SMG w/ Blade
•Favorite Maps: Escape from ARC, Apex 7
•Favorite Music: Oldies, Indie Rock
•Favorite TV Shows: West World, Game of Thrones
•Favorite Movies: Star Wars, Annie Hall,
•Favorite Games: Halo, Fallout, FIFA
•Favorite Color: Blue
•Favorite Quote:
•Favorite Food: Tacos
•Dream Car: None
•Hobbies: Soccer, Video Games
•Playtime and Timezone: 6pm-9pm Thursdays, Sunday afternoons