•Gamertag(s): My current gamertag is SkyGuardian9999
•Name: My name is Liam
•Age: I am currently 13 years old
•City: I live in Kalamazoo Michigan
•Clan Status: I am currently not in a clan at the moment
•Current Halo 5 Spartan Rank: I am SR 100
•Favorite playlist: My favorite playlists are warzone, swat, and superfiesta
•Favorite Weapon: My favorite weapon is the DMR
•Favorite Loadout: My favorite loadout is a DMR and SMG
•Favorite Maps: My favorite map is Eden
•Favorite Music: I love various types of rap
•Favorite TV Shows: My favorite TV show is The Flash
•Favorite Movies: Pacific Rim
•Favorite Games: Halo 5, Rainbow six siege, and Titan Fall
•Favorite Color: Cyan
•Favorite Food: I really like sushi
•Dream Car: My dream car is an Audi r8
•Hobbies: I love to play Video games
•Playtime and Timezone: EST, Around four to six o'clock