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Ground Pounder
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Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:45 pm

In case you didn't hear, Bungie released the Forgetacular winners. See the Weekly Update for all the goodness, including some funny Auntie Dot art. (dance)

I'd like this thread to be used to discuss the Forgetacular winners, in particular Abridged by Schmittler 5000 and Saucered by Ye5. I myself have not been able to look at the maps save the pictures shown in the Weekly update due to my temporary Xbox hiatus, but will have my own 2 cents soon.

For those of you that have downloaded and checked out the maps, what are your thoughts?
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Heroic GP
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Re: Forgetacular!

Sun Jan 16, 2011 2:30 pm

I'm not too impressed with either the Saucered or Abridged to be honest. If Saucered won Invasion I'm afraid to even look at what the other submissions were. Saucered looks almost impossible to capture tier 1. Its almost as to the capture points as Boneyard, but the Spartans defending spawn right on top of the territory. Then you need to capture some territories on the other side of the map that probably take 3 minutes to walk to. After that, the spawns flip so you fight back the other way. Just looking at it in forge gives me a headache. If they put this in Matchmaking, I will vote for Invasion Slayer on Hemorrhage over it.

Abridged is a little better. Very open with lots of vehicles. In other words, if you're not in a vehicle, you better find one quick. Once people figure out that there is a neutral sniper, a plasma launcher and rockets in each base, then the falcons will simply be rendered useless, and the hogs will not be able to cross mid. So again, like Hemorrhage and Paradiso we find ourselves in a game of Big Team Deadlock. Don't even get me started about capture the flag.
1/3 of the HWM U-Haul Trifecta


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